FlatOut 4 : Total Insanity

Release Date : 17th, Mar, 2017.
Developed By : Kylotonn.
Published By : Strategy First, Nacon.
Platforms : PS4,Xbox One, Microsoft Windows.
Genre : Racing, Multiplayer,Automobile Sim, Destruction.


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Minimum System Requirements :

Processor : AMD Phenom™ II X2. or Intel Core i3
OS : Windows 7 64-bit Required.
VIDEO CARD : NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 650 / AMD Radeon™ HD 7750.
SOUND CARD: DirectX Compatible Soundcard.
Storage : 10 GB free space.


Flatout for total insanity didn't have to do much to be better than the irredeemably dire flat-out 3 still new studio kiloton has done a decent job here salvaging the comatose series sending it back into a serviceable smash him up stunt racer.

kiloton is stuck to the plate out style guide here crafting a game that's very much in step with the likes of the first two you know the good ones. The presentation is inspired in almost every way by bugbears cult favorites from the style of the menu screens to the colorful and busy stunts arena. It's basically the stunt arena where flat-out 4 sticks closest to the series of spirit the arena is full of unpredictable driver tossing minigames like billiards, beer pong, curling and more. I dig finished pins which demands both skill and strategy to nail the right score of exactly 25. I'm confused by the likes of long jump however which features a net at the top of the landing zone and thus a maximum distance which will be regularly reached and never beaten. You can both tackle these stunts solo seeking to rule the leaderboards or hit them up and pass the controller couch multiplayer. The race tracks themselves are reasonably reminiscent of those found in the old games too debris field courses sneaking through forests factories cluttered lumber yards a dusty red desert and frozen towns. The big problem with the tracks is that none of a limited number of them available for each environment really does enough to distinguish themselves from each other it didn't take long at all until I was bored of seeing the same track or at least certain shared portions of them every few races.

Flat 4’s arcade handily model is a bit light but mostly adequate though it's AI is slightly less so. It's not so much that it's very aggressive this is a destruction racer of course rather it's inconsistent on some occasions after becoming embroiled in some bedlam on the start line I'd often find myself struggling to catch the front runners despite putting in mistake-free laps. Other times I'd get out ahead and gallop away winning by 10 seconds or more they are fairly easily outfoxed and things like capture the flag too they can mount a reasonable resistance and flat-out falls deathmatch and destruction derby games but I'm not a huge fan of the way they play out. There it's superficial cars become virtual missiles crunching and boosting through opponents like paper I mostly prefer last flat-out custodian bugbears authentic and more realistic approach with its similarly destruction centric racer rec fest even if that game has been in steam early access for going on 400 years now.

My biggest disappointment was a flat out for is how rapidly I grew exhausted with the career mode career mode is broken into three tiers beginning with the Derby class where grids consist of rusty rolling wrecks. It didn't take long until is laughing the same tracks in the same car to the same music. There are twists on the racing like a beat the bomb distance challenge at a chaotic but acceptable weapons based race called assault but it all became a grind quicker than I figured it would I was reluctant to buy a second derby car because the payouts are so meager. I concentrated on upgrading my initial car and saving a large sum required for a car in the next class instead hoping for some fresh racing. Frustratingly once I could purchase a car in the next class I discovered the next batch of events is basically a rehash of the first tier only in a faster car with no rust on it. Outside of career mode is flat-out mode a chain of individual stunts and racing events it's basically a second career mode but it does a better job of putting us in different cars more often. Flatout 4 locks tons of its vehicles but doesn't strongly communicate the circumstances which will see them unlocked a purchasing career mode.

Flat-out for total insanity is best than I feared but not nearly as good as I'd hoped kilotonnes dredged. This near forgotten racing rebel from the very low end of the barrel and designed it into a simple but fun stunt filled speedster but I found myself usually frustrated with its repetitive career mode it's dingy economy and nebulous unlockables its superficial demolition derby events and its uneven difficulty.

How to install :

This version of game is already cracked - just install and play.

After download is done:
- open (executable file) ,
- choose location ,
- click install ,
- wait until is done
- play game from desktop shortcut.


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