Download Micro Machines World Series Full Game For PC Free

Micro Machines World Series

Release Date: June 30, 2017
Genres/Tags: Arcade, Racing, Top-down, 3D
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Platform: PC [Repack]
Engine: Unity 5
Steam User Rating: 57% of user reviews are positive (based on 32 reviews)

Interface Language: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French
Audio Language: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French
Crack: built-in (CODEX)

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Minimum System Requirements :

Processor : Intel Core i3 or AMD FX .
OS : Windows 7,8,8.1,10 (64-bit Required).
Graphics : NVIDIA GT440 or AMD HD5570 ( Graphics card must support atleast DirectX 11 )
SOUND CARD : DirectX Compatible Soundcard.

Description :

You know those games that can not only recall the good old days but actually bring you back there they don't not to exactly be master classes in game design but they have a certain charm to them that bends those pesky laws of time and space to bring you back to being that young child playing with toys in the garden or kitchen or bedroom.

Micromachines World Series is that kind of game flawed deeply with charm despite itself. I can't help but love the art design at imaginatively that bring you into that feeling of being a kid again flipping your little cars around the Attic workbench and setting them flying down the stairs or into each other. There’s a childish cohesion to the chaos and that's where the game shines the most. World series takes the shape of a top-down racer mimicking the point of view that you simply have twiddling with the physical toys they need all the control of a toy car too which is to mention not much in contrast of mantis bird racing which nailed the control that lacked almost everything else. Micro Machines World Series feels slippery and such as you never quite have full control you'll point yourself round the 10 tracks or 15 battle maps and love the fun and varied locations but frequently I became frustrated when I didn't nail a turn quite like I felt I should have watching other cars rocket ahead of me. there is no singleplayer championship to speak of in world series instead going all in on the online modes of play.

Micro Machines world series does smartly keep you from waiting in the menu too long by filling out slots in any game type with BOTS should no humans be around and can drop some in mid match as they join. The BOTS could be a touch too smart with no choice to change the problem they appear to be ready to stick pretty on the brink of the racing line and have almost perfectly sharp aim with the weapons. Playing with other people such as the colleague I had cohered into this with me does mitigate the problem somewhat as they'll also be fighting the controls of various degrees. Bringing the game more in line with the casuals 18s that is aiming for. Racing rather courses plays a lot like a Mario Kart where you'll do your best to stick to the best racing line while dodging and using a handful of fun nerf branded items just Gatling guns and squeaky hammers. Shortcuts can be found on each track though items play no part in accessing them so once found they really just become the de-facto method of racing.

Battle mode shares the same inventive location designs such as a garden or the drone workbench and opens them up to white flowing arena with multiple paths and shortcuts second logic key points. There are team deathmatch king of the hill and bomb delivery modes which all change up the game in a few ways. Instead of relying on the same items the 12 different vehicles they're all outfitted with different loadouts including an ultimate earned by completing the goal and destroying enemies. this does allow each vehicle to take into its own niche the ambulance is the healer the tank is the tank the hot rod is the quick damage dealer etc. unfortunately the same control issues hamper the otherwise excellent battle experience way too much. The quick movement that the battle mode asks for you to dodge enemy fire or quickly spin around to the objective or catch the moving bridge just isn't a possibility and the struggle makes the entire mode more frustrating than it needs to be.

What is there to earn from participating in the online only shenanigans beyond the fun of seeing the different arenas and their environmental hazards such as The Hungry Hungry Hippos board you'll level up for what bragging rights might be their in-game currency and of course loot box because they're the new scourge of gaming in 2017. All of this to facilitate cosmetic changes you can apply to the 12th playable vehicles in the game which is fine in and of it but doesn't give the game an overarching sense of progression like unlocking new racers. You’ll obtain everything World Series has to offer within the first few hours. Micro Machines World Series has such creative environments and an amazing art design to bring it all alive. It’s really just a shame that the act of playing it isn't all that fun thanks almost completely too loose controls. the online focus game is currently already nearly dead removing the little worth the game had unless you want to talk friends into buying this somehow just know that when we did that it wasn't much fun.

Hardcore Game players liked this so much as they give it 80% of +tive Reviews, saying "Micro Machines World Series games may be a perfect buy for everyone who mostly enjoyed the prior entries within the rise or just wants an excellent racing game that the entire family can enjoy."PlayStation LifeStyle awarded it a more negative score of 4.5 out of 10.

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