Download HALO WARS 2 Full Game For PC Free


Release Date: February 21, 2017
Genres/Tags: Strategy, RTS, 3D
Developer: Creative Assembly, 343 Industries
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Platform: PC [Repack]
Engine: in-house

Interface Language: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Polish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Audio Language: English, German, Spanish (Latin America), French, Portuguese-Brazil
Crack: built-in (CODEX, config modified by Ston3Cold)

ATTENTION! The minimum size of the setup is just 12.3 GB, read setup features for details.

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Minimum System Requirements :

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit Required).
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz.
RAM: 6 GB System Memory.
GPU RAM: 2GB Video Memory.
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 2GB.
DX: DirectX 12.
Storage: 25 GB Free Space

Description :

It is said that in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king in that sense Halo Wars 2 is the de facto king of realtime strategy games on consoles. Where the venerable genre barely exists but compared to the best RTS games its campaign missions are flat its distinctive blitz multiplayer mode sacrifices the stability of a level playing field for fast action.

Instantly recognizable vehicles like warthogs and banshees Granton inherited personality to what is otherwise a fairly standard set of units. The single-player campaigns 12 missions took me roughly eight hours to complete including restarting a couple of them a few times. The mission design is nothing special leaning heavily on hero focused objectives of leading your spartans around the map and holdout missions against waves of enemies. There’s enough variety but only a couple think outside the box. Between missions are some exceptionally well animated cutscenes that tell the story of the UNSC starship spirit of fire. The latest Cortana stand-in isabel is surprisingly endearing especially next to the wooden captain Cutter and his three interchangeable Spartans. The new brute villain a tree ox fades into the background after a spectacularly intimidating introduction but his presence is still felt through Isabel's fear of him. On Xbox one I ran into numerous bugs in the campaign including several crashes and hangs and mission events failing to trigger it's an inconvenience I didn't expect to find in a game carrying the halo name.

We're Halo Wars feels most limited is in its controls both on console and PC. As impressive as it is that just about everything you'd want to be able to do in an RTS works reasonably well on a gamepad. It’s just too slow to select and micromanage your units effectively in combat. I expect most people will get through the campaign largely by selecting all units on-screen and throwing them into battle to fend for them and on PC a broken mini-map and other awkward controls make it feel substandard next to the likes of Starcraft 2. support powers help compensate for the lack of micromanagement dexterity, some of these are strikingly powerful when fully upgraded such as these Archer missiles that destroy a swath of enemies and the extremely useful ODST soldier drums. Using them at the right moment feels great and can absolutely turn the tide of a battle or soften up enemies who have clustered around the control point.

On top of the standard death match mode Halo Wars twos territory controlled domination matches get the support power as many moments to shine and because you're given the choice of seven commander characters with different sets of support abilities you have a lot of options then. On the other hand there's not a lot of room to experiment with base building options because placement is so rigid. There’s also another territory control mode called stronghold where you're competing to control the most base building locations on the map when the timer ends. The twist is that everyone has completely unlimited resources I call it a fun diversion like playing with Goofy cheat codes on. Blitz is the big one with no bases or unit production to worry about it's all about fast battles. Reinforcements are zapped in from a deck of collectable cards which is a cool idea on paper because it prevents you from simply repeating the same successful tactics over and over again. Improvisation feels good but I don't think it's a great fit for a competitive game because all too often you win or lose based on the luck of the draw instead of skill. Finally there's a single-player and co-op variant of blitz called firefight that's about holding out against ever increasing waves of enemies as they try and overwhelm you. Beating up on AI is a much better use of the cart mechanic.

Halo Wars 2 will scratch a real-time strategy itch and gives you a dose of Halo universe flavor with an honest story but it won't go much deeper than that a run-of-the-mill campaign controls that hamper micromanagement and multiplayer that relies on luck limit its long-term appeal but it's fast and flashy action make it fun for a while.

Halo Wars 2 may be a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game developed by 343 Industries and artistic Assembly.The game is honorably published by Microsoft Studios and released in 21,Feb,2017 on playstation,Xbox and Windows.the game play of Halo Wars 2 designed on the inspiration from its sequel ; players construct a base of operations and command armies from a bird's-eye view of the battlefield.The game are often played employing a gamepad or employing a mouse and keyboard.Like its sequel Halo Wars 1, the game have two playable modes within the game: the United Nations Space Command (UNSC),humanity's main military arm,which is from the primary game, and also alien mode inspaired to as the Banished, who function replacement for the Covenant.Animated cutscenes and dialogue precede each mission to supply context and integration with the game's story.

Setup Features :

Based on Windows Store release: 48.1 GB, thanks to osb79
"Missing saves" workaround solution by FitGirl included ;) For solution to work you MUST select "Saves" folder inside game's folder on the first launch and you must run the game ONLY via desktop icon
Completely Lossless and MD5 Perfect : All the files are completely original after installation. (when installed with all languages)
NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of credits/background videos and voicepacks you don't need
Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 48.1 to 12.3~17.4 GB, depending on selected components)
Installation time takes : it takes approx 10 to 30 minutes (depending on your system and selected components)
After you install the game there will be a integrity check to make sure that everything is installed properly.
HDD space after installation: up to 48 GB
Repack uses ZTool library by Razor12911
At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
If the crack doesn't work for you, reinstall Windows Store, Xbox and Xbox Identity applications, turn on Developer Mode, turn off Hyper-V support and then run "Install Crack.bat" in AppFiles folder to reactive the crack

Selective Download

You have ability to skip downloading of useless trailers and voicepacks you don't need. Here is the list of selective and optional files.
fg-optional-videos.bin (Credits videos and animated menu backgrounds)
fg-selective-english.bin (Required for all languages without their own voicepack; May be required for all other languages as well)

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